
Main logot API for log-based testing.

See also

See Log-based testing 🪵 usage guide.

API reference¶

class logot.Logot(*, capturer: Callable[[], Capturer] = logot.logging.LoggingCapturer, timeout: float = 3.0, async_waiter: Callable[[], AsyncWaiter] = logot.asyncio.AsyncioWaiter)¶

The main logot API for capturing and waiting for logs.

See also

See Log-based testing 🪵 usage guide.

DEFAULT_LEVEL: ClassVar[str | int] = 'DEBUG'¶

The default level used by capturing().

DEFAULT_NAME: ClassVar[str | None] = None¶

The default name used by capturing().

Defaults to None, representing the root logger.

DEFAULT_CAPTURER: ClassVar[Callable[[], Capturer]] = logot.logging.LoggingCapturer¶

The default capturer for new Logot instances.

DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: ClassVar[float] = 3.0¶

The default timeout (in seconds) for new Logot instances.

DEFAULT_ASYNC_WAITER: ClassVar[Callable[[], AsyncWaiter]] = logot.asyncio.AsyncioWaiter¶

The default async_waiter for new Logot instances.

capturer: Callable[[], Capturer]¶

The default capturer used by capturing().


This is for integration with 3rd-party logging frameworks.

Defaults to Logot.DEFAULT_CAPTURER.

timeout: float¶

The default timeout (in seconds) for calls to wait_for() and await_for().

Defaults to Logot.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

async_waiter: Callable[[], AsyncWaiter]¶

The default async_waiter for calls to await_for().


This is for integration with 3rd-party asynchronous frameworks.


capturing(*, level: str | int = 'DEBUG', name: str | None = None, capturer: Callable[[], Capturer] | None = None) AbstractContextManager[Logot]¶

Captures logs emitted at the given level (or higher) by the given logger name for the duration of the context.

If the named logger level is less verbose than the requested level, it will be temporarily adjusted to the requested level for the duration of the context.

See also

See Log capturing usage guide.

capture(captured: Captured) None¶

Adds the given captured log record to the internal capture queue.

Any waiters blocked on wait_for() to await_for() will be notified and wake up if their log pattern is satisfied.


This method is for integration with 3rd-party logging frameworks. It is not generally used when writing tests.


captured – The captured log.

assert_logged(logged: Logged) None¶

Fails immediately if the expected log pattern has not arrived.


logged – The expected log pattern.


AssertionError – If the expected log pattern has not arrived.

assert_not_logged(logged: Logged) None¶

Fails immediately if the expected log pattern has arrived.


logged – The expected log pattern.


AssertionError – If the expected log pattern has arrived.

wait_for(logged: Logged, *, timeout: float | None = None) None¶

Waits for the expected log pattern to arrive or the timeout to expire.

  • logged – The expected log pattern.

  • timeout – How long to wait (in seconds) before failing the test. Defaults to Logot.timeout.


AssertionError – If the expected log pattern does not arrive within timeout seconds.

async await_for(logged: Logged, *, timeout: float | None = None, async_waiter: Callable[[], AsyncWaiter] | None = None) None¶

Waits asynchronously for the expected log pattern to arrive or the timeout to expire.


AssertionError – If the expected log pattern does not arrive within timeout seconds.

reduce(logged: Logged) Logged | None¶

Reduces the expected log pattern using captured logs.


This method is for building high-level log assertions. It is not generally used when writing tests.


logged – The expected log pattern.

clear() None¶

Clears any captured logs.

class logot.Capturer¶

Protocol used by Logot.capturing() to capture logs.


This class is for integration with 3rd-party logging frameworks. It is not generally used when writing tests.

abstract start_capturing(logot: Logot, /, *, level: str | int, name: str | None) None¶

Starts capturing logs for the given Logot.

Captured logs should be converted to a Captured instance and sent to Logot.capture().

  • logot – The Logot instance.

  • level – A log level name (e.g. "DEBUG") or numeric level (e.g. logging.DEBUG).

  • name – A logger name to capture logs from.

abstract stop_capturing() None¶

Stops capturing logs.

class logot.Captured(levelname: str, msg: str, *, levelno: int = ..., name: str | None = ...)¶

A captured log record.

Send Captured logs to Logot.capture() to integrate with 3rd-party logging frameworks.


This class is for integration with 3rd-party logging frameworks. It is not generally used when writing tests.

levelname: str¶

The log level name (e.g. "DEBUG").

msg: str¶

The log message.

levelno: int | None¶

The log level number (e.g. logging.DEBUG).

This is an optional log capture field. When provided, it allows matching log patterns from logged.log() with a numeric level.

name: str | None¶

The logger name.

This is an optional log capture field. When provided, it allows matching log patterns from logged.log() with a name.

class logot.Logged¶

A log pattern passed to Logot.wait_for(), Logot.await_for() and related APIs.


This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated. Use the helpers in logot.logged to create log patterns.

Logged instances are immutable and can be reused between tests.

See also

See Log pattern matching usage guide.

abstract reduce(captured: Captured) Logged | None¶

Reduces this log pattern using the given Captured log.


This method is for building high-level log assertions. It is not generally used when writing tests.


captured – The Captured log.

class logot.AsyncWaiter¶

Protocol used by Logot.await_for() to pause tests until expected logs arrive.


This class is for integration with 3rd-party asynchronous frameworks. It is not generally used when writing tests.

abstract release() None¶

Releases the test waiting on wait(), allowing it to resume immediately.

abstract async wait(*, timeout: float) None¶

Waits asynchronously for release() to be called or the timeout to expire.


timeout – How long to wait (in seconds) before resuming.