Using with unittest¶

logot includes logot.unittest.LogotTestCase for easy integration with unittest.

The logot attribute automatically captures logs during tests and can be used to make log assertions:

from logot import logged
from logot.unittest import LogotTestCase

class MyAppTest(LogotTestCase):

   def test_something(self) -> None:
      self.logot.assert_logged("Something was done"))

Comparison to assertLogs()¶

unittest includes a assertLogs() method that supports log capture and testing. The above example can be rewritten using assertLogs() as:

class MyAppTest(TestCase):

   def test_something(self) -> None:
      with self.assertLogs(level=logging.DEBUG) as cm:
      assert any(
         record.levelno == logging.INFO and record.message == "Something was done"
         for record in cm.records

logot improves on assertLogs() with:


Override logot-prefixed attributes in your test case to configure the logot attribute:

class MyAppTest(LogotTestCase):
   logot_level = "WARNING"
   logot_name = "app"
   logot_timeout = 10.0

See also

See logot.unittest.LogotTestCase API reference.